Package 'biscale'

Title: Tools and Palettes for Bivariate Thematic Mapping
Description: Provides a 'ggplot2' centric approach to bivariate mapping. This is a technique that maps two quantities simultaneously rather than the single value that most thematic maps display. The package provides a suite of tools for calculating breaks using multiple different approaches, a selection of palettes appropriate for bivariate mapping and scale functions for 'ggplot2' calls that adds those palettes to maps. Tools for creating bivariate legends are also included.
Authors: Christopher Prener [aut, cre] , Timo Grossenbacher [aut], Angelo Zehr [aut], Joshua Stevens [ctb]
Maintainer: Christopher Prener <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-02-16 05:17:16 UTC

Help Index

Create Classes for Bivariate Maps


Creates mapping classes for a bivariate map. These data will be stored in a new variable named bi_class, which will be added to the given data object.


bi_class(.data, x, y, style, dim = 3, keep_factors = FALSE, dig_lab = 3)



A data frame, tibble, or sf object


The x variable, either a numeric (including double and integer classes) or factor


The y variable, either a numeric (including double and integer classes) or factor


A string identifying the style used to calculate breaks. Currently supported styles are "quantile", "equal", "fisher", and "jenks". If both x and y are factors, this argument can be omitted.

Note that older versions of biscale used "quantile" as the default for this argument. Now that bi_class accepts factors, this argument no longer as a default and older code will error.


The dimensions of the palette. To use the built-in palettes, this value must be either 2, 3, or 4. A value of 3, for example, would be used to create a three-by-three bivariate map with a total of 9 classes.

If you are using a custom palette, this value may be larger (though these maps can be very hard to interpret).

If you are using pre-made factors, both factors must have the same number of levels as this value.


A logical scalar; if TRUE, the intermediate factor variables created as part of the calculation of bi_class will be retained. If FALSE (default), they will not be returned.


An integer that is passed to base::cut()


A copy of .data with a new variable bi_class that contains combinations of values that correspond to an observations values for x and y. This is the basis for applying a bivariate color palette.


# quantile breaks, 2x2
data <- bi_class(stl_race_income, x = pctWhite, y = medInc, style = "quantile", dim = 2)

# summarize quantile breaks, 2x2

# quantile breaks, 3x3
data <- bi_class(stl_race_income, x = pctWhite, y = medInc, style = "quantile", dim = 3)

# summarize quantile breaks, 3x3

Return Breaks


This function can be used to return a list containing vectors of either the ranges of values included in each category of x and y or, alternatively, the individual break values including the minimum and maximum values. This function supports simplified reporting as well as more descriptive legends.


bi_class_breaks(.data, x, y, style, dim = 3, clean_levels = TRUE,
    dig_lab = 3, si_levels = FALSE, split = FALSE)



A data frame, tibble, or sf object


The x variable, either a numeric (including double and integer classes) or factor


The y variable, either a numeric (including double and integer classes) or factor


A string identifying the style used to calculate breaks. Currently supported styles are "quantile" (default), "equal", "fisher", and "jenks". If both x and y are factors, this argument can be omitted.


The dimensions of the palette. To use the built-in palettes, this value must be either 2, 3, or 4. A value of 3, for example, would be used to create a three-by-three bivariate map with a total of 9 classes.

If you are using a custom palette, this value may be larger (though these maps can be very hard to interpret).

If you are using pre-made factors, both factors must have the same number of levels as this value.


A logical scalar; if TRUE (default), the brackets and parentheses will be stripped from the output. If FALSE (default), the levels will be returned with brackets and parentheses. If split is TRUE and clean_levels is FALSE, the clean_levels argument will be overridden.


An integer that is passed to base::cut(); it determines the number of digits used in formatting break numbers. It can either be a scalar or a vector. If it is a scalar, the value will be applied to both the x and y variables. If it is a vector, the first element will be applied to the x variable and the second will be applied to the y variable.


A logical scalar or vector of length 2 that where TRUE, and taking into account dig_lab (default = 3), rounds the level(s) and applies one of a few selected SI prefixes, if appropriate. Affects either or both the display of the x and y variables based on the same syntax as the dig_lab parameter. Defaults to FALSE (no adjustment to either variable).


A logical scalar; if FALSE (default), the range of values for each factor level (corresponds to dim) will be returned for both the x and y variables. If TRUE, the individual values for each break (including the minimum and maximum values) will be returned.


A list where bi_x is a vector containing the breaks for the x variable and bi_y is a vector containing the breaks for the y variable.


# return ranges for each category of x and y
bi_class_breaks(stl_race_income, style = "quantile", x = pctWhite, y = medInc,
    dim = 4, dig_lab = c(4, 5), split = FALSE)

# ranges can be returned with brackets and parentheses
bi_class_breaks(stl_race_income, style = "quantile", x = pctWhite, y = medInc,
    clean_levels = FALSE, dim = 4, dig_lab = 3, split = FALSE)

# return breaks for each category of x and y
bi_class_breaks(stl_race_income, style = "quantile", x = pctWhite, y = medInc,
    dim = 4, dig_lab = c(4, 5), split = TRUE)

# show SI prefix
bi_class_breaks(stl_race_income, style = "quantile", x = pctWhite, y = medInc,
    dim = 4, dig_lab = c(4, 5), si_levels = c(y = TRUE), split = TRUE)

# optionally name vector for dig_lab for increased clarity of code
bi_class_breaks(stl_race_income, style = "quantile", x = pctWhite, y = medInc,
    dim = 4, dig_lab = c(x = 4, y = 5), split = TRUE)

# scalars can also be used for dig_lab, though results may be less optimal
bi_class_breaks(stl_race_income, style = "quantile", x = pctWhite, y = medInc,
    dim = 4, dig_lab = 3, split = TRUE)

Create Object for Drawing Legend


Creates a ggplot object containing a legend that is specific to bivariate mapping.


bi_legend(pal, dim = 3, xlab, ylab, size = 10, flip_axes = FALSE,
    rotate_pal = FALSE, pad_width = NA, pad_color = "#ffffff",
    breaks = NULL, arrows = TRUE, base_family = "sans")



A palette name or a vector containing a custom palette. See the help file for bi_pal for complete list of built-in palette names. If you are providing a custom palette, it must follow the formatting described in the 'Advanced Options' vignette.


The dimensions of the palette. To use the built-in palettes, this value must be either 2, 3, or 4. A value of 3, for example, would be used to create a three-by-three bivariate map with a total of 9 classes.

If you are using a custom palette, this value may be larger (though these maps can be very hard to interpret). See the 'Advanced Options' vignette for details on the relationship between dim values and palette size.


Text for desired x axis label on legend


Text for desired y axis label on legend


A numeric scalar; size of axis labels


A logical scalar; if TRUE, the axes of the palette will be flipped. If FALSE (default), the palette will be displayed on its original axes. Custom palettes with 'dim' greater than 4 cannot take advantage of flipping axes.


A logical scalar; if TRUE, the palette will be rotated 180 degrees. If FALSE (default), the palette will be displayed in its original orientation. Custom palettes with 'dim' greater than 4 cannot take advantage of palette rotation.


An optional numeric scalar; controls the width of padding between tiles in the legend


An optional character scalar; controls the color of padding between tiles in the legend


An optional list created by bi_class_breaks. Depending on the options selected when making the list, labels will placed showing the corresponding range of values for each axis or, if split = TRUE, showing the individual breaks.


A logical scalar; if TRUE (default), directional arrows will be added to both the x and y axes of the legend. If you want to suppress these arrows, especially if you are supplying breaks to create a more detailed legend, this parameter can be set of FALSE.


A character string; by default, it is set to "sans", which has been the font used in biscale since its initial release. If you are using non-Latin characters, you may need to set base_family = "" to get your characters to display. Other options include "mono" and "serif". See the Breaks and Legends vignette for details.


A ggplot object with a bivariate legend.

See Also



# sample 3x3 legend
legend <- bi_legend(pal = "GrPink",
                    dim = 3,
                    xlab = "Higher % White ",
                    ylab = "Higher Income ",
                    size = 16)

## print legend

# sample 3x3 legend with breaks
## create vector of breaks
break_vals <- bi_class_breaks(stl_race_income, style = "quantile",
    x = pctWhite, y = medInc, dim = 3, dig_lab = c(x = 4, y = 5),
    split = TRUE)

## create legend
legend <- bi_legend(pal = "GrPink",
                    dim = 3,
                    xlab = "Higher % White ",
                    ylab = "Higher Income ",
                    size = 16,
                    breaks = break_vals,
                    arrows = FALSE)

## print legend

# sample 3x3 legend with Chinese characters
## set language preference

## create legend
legend <- bi_legend(pal = "GrPink",
                    dim = 3,
                    xlab = "白人 ",
                    ylab = "收入 ",
                    size = 16,
                    base_family = "")

## print legend

Preview Palettes and Hex Values


Prints either a visual preview of each palette or the associated hex values.


bi_pal(pal, dim = 3, preview = TRUE, flip_axes = FALSE, rotate_pal = FALSE)



A palette name or a vector containing a custom palette. If you are providing a palette name, it must be one of: "Bluegill", "BlueGold", "BlueOr", "BlueYl", "Brown"/"Brown2", "DkBlue"/"DkBlue2", "DkCyan"/"DkCyan2", "DkViolet"/"DkViolet2", "GrPink"/"GrPink2", "PinkGrn", "PurpleGrn", or "PurpleOr".

Pairs of palettes, such as "GrPink"/"GrPink2", are included for legacy support. The numbered palettes support four-by-four bivarite maps while the un-numbered ones, which were the five included in the original release of the package, only support two-by-two and three-by-three maps.

If you are providing a custom palette, it must follow the formatting described in the 'Advanced Options' vignette.


The dimensions of the palette. To use the built-in palettes, this value must be either 2, 3, or 4. A value of 3, for example, would be used to create a three-by-three bivariate map with a total of 9 classes.

If you are using a custom palette, this value may be larger (though these maps can be very hard to interpret). See the 'Advanced Options' vignette for details on the relationship between dim values and palette size.


A logical scalar; if TRUE (default), an image preview will be generated. If FALSE, a vector with hex color values will be returned.


A logical scalar; if TRUE the axes of the palette will be flipped. If FALSE (default), the palette will be displayed on its original axes. Custom palettes with 'dim' greater than 4 cannot take advantage of flipping axes.


A logical scalar; if TRUE the palette will be rotated 180 degrees. If FALSE (default), the palette will be displayed in its original orientation. Custom palettes with 'dim' greater than 4 cannot take advantage of palette rotation.


The "Brown", "DkBlue", "DkCyan", and "GrPink" palettes were made by Joshua Stevens. The "DkViolet" palette was made by Timo Grossenbacher and Angelo Zehr. Many of the new palettes were inspired by Branson Fox's earlier work to expand biscale.


If preview = TRUE, an image preview of the legend will be returned. Otherwise, if preview = FALSE, a named vector with class values for names and their corresponding hex color values.


# gray pink palette, 2x2
bi_pal(pal = "GrPink", dim = 2)

# gray pink palette, 2x2 hex values
bi_pal(pal = "GrPink", dim = 2, preview = FALSE)

# gray pink palette, 3x3
bi_pal(pal = "GrPink", dim = 3)

# gray pink palette, 3x3 hex values
bi_pal(pal = "GrPink", dim = 3, preview = FALSE)

# custom palette
custom_pal <- c(
    "1-1" = "#cabed0", # low x, low y
    "2-1" = "#ae3a4e", # high x, low y
    "1-2" = "#4885c1", # low x, high y
    "2-2" = "#3f2949" # high x, high y

bi_pal(pal = custom_pal, dim = 2, preview = FALSE)

Apply Bivariate Color to ggplot Object


Applies the selected palette as the color aesthetic when geom_sf is used and the bi_class variable is given as the color in the aesthetic mapping.


bi_scale_color(pal, dim = 3, flip_axes = FALSE, rotate_pal = FALSE, ...)



A palette name or a vector containing a custom palette. See the help file for bi_pal for complete list of built-in palette names. If you are providing a custom palette, it must follow the formatting described in the 'Advanced Options' vignette.


The dimensions of the palette. To use the built-in palettes, this value must be either 2, 3, or 4. A value of 3, for example, would be used to create a three-by-three bivariate map with a total of 9 classes.

If you are using a custom palette, this value may be larger (though these maps can be very hard to interpret). See the 'Advanced Options' vignette for details on the relationship between dim values and palette size.


A logical scalar; if TRUE the axes of the palette will be flipped. If FALSE (default), the palette will be displayed on its original axes. Custom palettes with 'dim' greater than 4 cannot take advantage of flipping axes.


A logical scalar; if TRUE the palette will be rotated 180 degrees. If FALSE (default), the palette will be displayed in its original orientation. Custom palettes with 'dim' greater than 4 cannot take advantage of palette rotation.


Arguments to pass to scale_color_manual


A ggplot object with the given bivariate palette applied to the data.

See Also



# load dependencies

# add breaks, 3x3
data <- bi_class(stl_race_income, x = pctWhite, y = medInc, style = "quantile", dim = 3)

# create map
plot <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = data, aes(color = bi_class), size = 2, show.legend = FALSE) +
  bi_scale_color(pal = "GrPink", dim = 3)

Apply Bivariate Fill to ggplot Object


Applies the selected palette as the fill aesthetic when geom_sf is used and the bi_class variable is given as the fill in the aesthetic mapping.


bi_scale_fill(pal, dim = 3, flip_axes = FALSE, rotate_pal = FALSE, ...)



A palette name or a vector containing a custom palette. See the help file for bi_pal for complete list of built-in palette names. If you are providing a custom palette, it must follow the formatting described in the 'Advanced Options' vignette.


The dimensions of the palette, either 2 for a two-by-two palette, 3 for a three-by-three palette, or 4 for a four-by-four palette.


A logical scalar; if TRUE the axes of the palette will be flipped. If FALSE (default), the palette will be displayed on its original axes.


A logical scalar; if TRUE the palette will be rotated 180 degrees. If FALSE (default), the palette will be displayed in its original orientation


Arguments to pass to scale_fill_manual


A ggplot object with the given bivariate palette applied to the data.

See Also



# load dependencies

# add breaks, 3x3
data <- bi_class(stl_race_income, x = pctWhite, y = medInc, style = "quantile", dim = 3)

# create map
plot <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = data, aes(fill = bi_class), color = "white", size = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE) +
  bi_scale_fill(pal = "GrPink", dim = 3)

Basic Theme for Bivariate Mapping


A theme for creating a simple, clean bivariate map using ggplot2.


  base_family = "sans",
  base_size = 24,
  bg_color = "#ffffff",
  font_color = "#000000",



A character string representing the font family to be used in the map.


A number representing the base size used in the map.


A character string containing the hex value for the desired color of the map's background.


A character string containing the hex value for the desired color of the map's text.


Arguments to pass on to ggplot2's theme function


# load suggested dependencies

# add breaks, 3x3
data <- bi_class(stl_race_income, x = pctWhite, y = medInc, style = "quantile", dim = 3)

# create map
ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = data, aes(fill = bi_class), color = "white", size = 0.1, show.legend = FALSE) +
  bi_scale_fill(pal = "GrPink", dim = 3) +

Race and Median Income in St. Louis by Census Tract, 2017


A simple features data set containing the geometry and associated attributes for the 2013-2017 American Community Survey estimates for median household income and the percentage of white residents in St. Louis. This version of the sample data are stored as polygon data.




A data frame with 106 rows and 4 variables:


full GEOID string


Percent of white residents per tract


Median household income of tract


simple features geometry


tidycensus package



Race and Median Income in St. Louis by Census Tract, 2017


A simple features data set containing the geometry and associated attributes for the 2013-2017 American Community Survey estimates for median household income and the percentage of white residents in St. Louis. This version of the sample data are stored as point data.




A data frame with 106 rows and 4 variables:


full GEOID string


Percent of white residents per tract


Median household income of tract


simple features geometry


tidycensus package

