--- title: "Rasters" author: "Christopher Prener, Ph.D." date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Rasters} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` Though `biscale` focuses on bivariate mapping with vector data, it is possible to adapt its workflow to create bivariate maps with rasters. The following example is a reproducible example that relies on some additional data and dependencies that go beyond what comes installed with `biscale` itself. ## Dependencies To follow along with this example, you will need the `raster` package for working with raster data and the `faux` package for simulating a second variable: ```r install.packages(c("faux","raster")) ``` In addition, you'll need the `cowplot` package, which is a suggested dependency for `biscale`. You can either install it individually (faster) or install all of the suggested dependencies at once (slower, will also give you a number of other packages you may or may not want): ```r ## install just cowplot install.packages("cowplot") ## install all suggested dependencies install.packages("biscale", dependencies = TRUE) ``` Once you have the dependencies installed, load the following packages: ```r library(biscale) # bivariate mapping library(cowplot) # combine ggplot2 objects library(faux) # create simulated data library(ggplot2) # create maps library(raster) # work with raster data ``` ## Sample Data The data for this example are stored in `biscale`'s GitHub repository. They are a selection from [NEON's](https://www.neonscience.org/) [Spatio-temporal Teaching Data Subset](https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Spatio_temporal_Series_Teaching_Data_Subsets/2009586), which are available on figshare. These data were created by Leah Wasser and Megan A. Jones, and are available under a CC-BY 4.0 license. The data consist of a `.tif` file describing elevation in the Harvard Forest in Massachusetts. They need to be downloaded from GitHub into your `R` session since they do not come within the package itself due to the size of the file: ```r DSM_HARV <- raster("https://github.com/chris-prener/biscale/raw/main/data-raw/NEON_HARV_dsmCrop.tif") ``` ## Data Preparation Once you have the raster data downloaded, you will need to convert them from a `RasterLayer` class object to a `data.frame`: ```r neon_harv <- as.data.frame(DSM_HARV, xy = TRUE) ``` Next, we'll create a vector correlated with the `y` column to simulate a bivariate relationship that we can map. To do this, we'll use the `fuax::rnorm_pre()` function to create a variable that has a moderately strong correlation with `y` along with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 2: ```r ## create simulated data neon_harv$sim <- rnorm_pre(neon_harv$y, mu = 10, sd = 2, r = 0.7, empirical = TRUE) ## rename NEON_HARV_dsmCrop neon_harv$ele <- neon_harv$NEON_HARV_dsmCrop ## reorder variables neon_harv <- subset(neon_harv, select = c(ele, sim, x, y)) ``` Finally, we'll create our `bi_class` column using the same process we use with vector data. For this example, we'll compare our simulated data with the elevation data in the raster: ```r neon_harv <- bi_class(neon_harv, x = ele, y = sim, style = "quantile") ``` ## Bivariate Raster Mapping Mapping these raster data follows the same general workflow as our vector data examples, but requires a few minor modifications. Instead of using `ggplot2::geom_sf()`, we'll use `ggplot2::geom_raster()`. The arguments passed to `geom_raster()` remain generally the same, however we need to explicitly name the `x` and `y` columns: ```r map <- ggplot() + geom_raster(data = neon_harv , aes(x = x, y = y, fill = bi_class)) + bi_scale_fill(pal = "DkBlue") + coord_quickmap() + labs( title = "Harvard Forest", x = "", y = "", caption = "Data via NEON Spatio-temporal Teaching Data Subset" ) + bi_theme(base_size = 16) + theme(legend.position="none") ``` There are a few other key differences with the raster workflow to note: * To project the data, we'll use `ggplot2::coord_quickmap()` * To suppress the default legend, we need to use `theme(legend.position="none")` * Likewise, we need to explicitly hide the `x` and `y` axis labels using the `labs()` function All of the legend construction steps are the same as for vector data: ```r legend <- bi_legend(pal = "DkBlue", xlab = "Higher Elevation ", ylab = "Higher Simulated Var ", size = 6) ``` To combine our map with the legend, however, we need to place the legend next to the raster instead of overlaying it as we did with the other examples using the vector data. This process, using `cowplot::plot_grid()`, looks a bit different but achieves a great looking result: ```r ## construct final plot finalPlot <- plot_grid( map, legend, rel_widths = c(1, .4), nrow = 1 ) ## print final plot finalPlot ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='100%'} knitr::include_graphics('../man/figures/raster.jpeg') ```